Friday, January 10, 2014

The Countdown is On!

I apologize for not posting yesterday I just got so busy trying to get everything ready for today that I just didn't have enough time in the day to blog. If only there we 25 hours in the day. But this post is the one you've been waiting for. So without further adieu...

Let's begin...

So I created a logo for myself a couple months ago. You've probably seen a million times. It's on everyone of my pics, you couldn't have missed it. But it was boring and I knew I need something more bold to set my business apart from all the rest. So I began looking to for ideas and fonts. This is what I came up with...
I thought it was perfect. It was bold but still professional enough to work. But I still knew I needed something else to tie t all together. Last Sunday I received a birthday gift and it helped me find the missing link.
So that mug turned into this...
This turned into the design for my business card...
And if you notice at the bottom there is a web address. That is what the countdown is for...

In 50 days will become live for all the world to view.
To save you the trouble of counting up 50 days the website will launch on March 1st, 2014.
Here is a preview of what the header will look like...
So let's begin this countdown together... If I don't have your phone number or email and you would like me to alert you the second the website goes live please get it to me so you don't miss out (how's that for a run-on sentence). You'll begin to notice some changes here on the blog as I begin to make it match the website. Hope you guys are as excited as I am. I am still available to do portraits through the next two months. But I may not be as available as I normally am due to fact that I'll be finishing the website, filing business licenses, creating all the client packaging and all the other good stuff that comes along with owning a business. So...

Until next time,

Andre' Luis

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